Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Horde of the Eastern Kingdom (level 1 to 60)

So I thought I should write about leveling a Horde character in Cata, according to my experience but I only leveled in the Eastern Kingdom because I was too lazy to take the Ship to Kalimdor.

All this post will cover is what changes have been given to the zones in Eastern Kingdom worth seeing.

Since I was leveling a Blood Elf my leveling started in Eversong Woods, Which was more or less same as Wotlk, same thing with Ghostlands, nothing new added or changed here. Once I was level 20 I went to Hillsbrad Foothills, now this zone has been completely redone, the once proud town of South Shore is now over taken by Undead plague, the whole zone is under the control of the Undeads, a really nice change I would say. The only quest worth doing is the “Welcome to the Machine” quest, where you are giving the role of a Quest giver to give out quests to new Npc, yeap the tide has been turned for once and we get to be the quest giver for a while. The zone is lore heavy if you’re in interested in wow lore, a must play for any Horde player.

At around level 25 I went to Arathi Highlands and The Hinterlands, because both the zones are closer to Hillsbrad and the Plague lands. Nothing new in both zones, just easy quests and moving on.

Next stop at level 35 was Western Plaguelands. Now I had heard a lot about this zone being completely redone, so I had to check it out. As soon as I entered the zone I was amazed to see that the zone was Greener, and much more lively then it was in Wotlk. According to the Lore the druids have been working on resorting the Plaguelands ever since the fall of Lich King

Eastern Plaguelands was my next stop at level 40, same as Western Plaguelands this zone has been resorted by the druids but to some extent, you will still be able to see the dark side of this zone in some parts. The “Fiona's Lucky Charm” quest is a must do starting quest of this zone; it gives us a few nice Buffs that help a lot in leveling.

Around level 44 I went to Badlands, this zone has been changed, and now has a lot of quests; back in Wotlk this zone would hardly give 1 or 2 levels, now we have comparatively more quests in this zone. At level 49 I went to Burning Steppes, nothing new or changed in this zone worth checking out, but it is nearer to Badlands.

Once I was done with Burning Steppes, I was around level 51, so I went to Swamp of Sorrows. The only noticeable thing is this zone is that the Forces of Horde are fighting the Forces of Alliance; rest of the zone is same as it was on Wotlk. At level 55 I went to Blasted Lands, this zone is more or less the same, minor changes to this zone have been added.

By the time I was done with Blasted Lands, I was level 60, and it was time to enter Dark Portal and enter the Outland :)


preethi said...

wow mokxxx.... i love this.... can u make one for ally too :D

Mokx™ said...

gona make one soon ... already have the data and info writen down ..just need to work on it :)

preethi said...

cool... make it soon... or i won't come on cata :P

Mokx™ said...

writing now ...writing :P

preethi said...

yay... :D

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