Saturday, 7 April 2012

Baradin Hold

The Baradin Hold is the Vault of Archavon of Cataclysm, since we are on patch 4.0.6, we only have one boss.

This is the 1st raid I tanked after joining Cata, my friend Snoopeh invited me to this raid, and told me that it’s easy, now i had no idea what to do, so I asked the other tank, all he told me was 'taunt after cast', so I said okay let’s start.

After the buffs and everything, it was time to attack the Trash mob, the raid leader said go, so I charged in, and the worst thing happened, the Trash killed me, moving on to the 2nd trash mob, here the other tank died and I relaxed a bit.

Argaloth, the Pit lord is the one and only boss at the moment in Baradin Hold (2 more bosses are added to BH after patch 4.2.0), this boss fight is really simple on both 10 and 25 mode.

How to Do the damn thing

The entire raid needs to split into 2 groups, with one tank on each side, once the boss is pulled; everyone has to stack on the tank of their group, and both the groups need to be on different side of the boss.

The boss will cast Meteor Slash after 18 seconds, the 2nd tank needs to taunt the boss when he casts Meteor Slash on the 1st tank, Meteor Slash is a debuff which increases damage taken, again after 18 seconds the boss will cast Meteor Slash on the 2nd tank, the 1st tank should taunt boss back, and so on.

At about 66% and 33% hp the boss will cast Fel Firestorm, everyone should spread out and avoid the fire, once the Fel Firestorm is over, everyone needs to stack back on the tanks.

The boss puts Consuming Darkness on 3 random raid members, it is a Magical debuff/dot and must be removed by the healers, it does about 3k damage per half a second, for 15 seconds, a total of 90k damage if not dispelled.

Argaloth, has a 5 minutes Enrage timer, in other words, if the boss is not killed within 5 minutes, he will get really angry and kill everyone.

How To: Argaloth - Baradin Hold -  by BlueXephos


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