Thursday, 19 April 2012


Again we start leveling All over Azeroth we be traveling

Take quest, do task, and turn in Login out at the inn

Long road to level eighty five We walk, we run, and we dive

Fight dragons, demons and undead Playing wow all night and not going to bed

Oh the joy, the fun, Oh Shit, mob respawned, gota run

Monday, 16 April 2012

Throne of the Tides

The Throne of the Tides is one of my favorite dungeons of Cataclysm. Its small, fast, and well made. This dungeon only has 4 bosses. I did this dungeon with my friends and loved it.

How to Do the damn thing.

Commander Ulthok, this boss is really simple. The tank needs to kite the boss and everyone needs to avoid the Dark Fissure, it’s the black stuff on the ground. He will also pull one of the party members to him; the healers need to pay attention to that because Ulthok may drop the party member in Dark Fissure.

Lady Naz'jar can be pain full if you dont move out of the water and poison. Interrupt every Shock Blast. She will spawn 3 adds, CC one of the Naz'jar Tempest Witch and kill the other one, then kill Naz'jar Honor Guard and in the end the CC’d witch. Also avoid the Water Vortexes during the add phase.

Erunak Stonespeaker mind controlled by Mindbender Ghur'sha is the 3rd boss. The tank must keep the boss facing away from the party. Everyone should avoid spikes. Erunak will do Emberstrike on tank and should be quickly removed by the healer. At 50% hp Mindbender Ghur'sha will free Erunak Stonespeaker and he will enslave one party member. That player will gain health and damage and must be burned down to 50% hp fast. Mindbender will leave the player and cast Absorb Magic that lasts 5 sec. he will do an unavoidable AoE, the healer needs to be ready for that. Avoid the Green gas as it will Silence you.

Last boss Ozumat. For me this boss is really fun and easy. In the start we have to defend Neptulon. A lot of adds will spawn, just quickly kill them. Once most of the adds the killed, 3 Faceless Sapper will spawn and cast something on Neptulon. Quickly dps them down, When the all Faceless Sapper is dead, Ozumat will show up. (I love this part) Neptulon will buff everyone with increased damage, healing, hp, and size.

WoW Cataclysm Guide - Throne of Tides Dungeon Run with commentary by TotalHalibut

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Baradin Hold

The Baradin Hold is the Vault of Archavon of Cataclysm, since we are on patch 4.0.6, we only have one boss.

This is the 1st raid I tanked after joining Cata, my friend Snoopeh invited me to this raid, and told me that it’s easy, now i had no idea what to do, so I asked the other tank, all he told me was 'taunt after cast', so I said okay let’s start.

After the buffs and everything, it was time to attack the Trash mob, the raid leader said go, so I charged in, and the worst thing happened, the Trash killed me, moving on to the 2nd trash mob, here the other tank died and I relaxed a bit.

Argaloth, the Pit lord is the one and only boss at the moment in Baradin Hold (2 more bosses are added to BH after patch 4.2.0), this boss fight is really simple on both 10 and 25 mode.

How to Do the damn thing

The entire raid needs to split into 2 groups, with one tank on each side, once the boss is pulled; everyone has to stack on the tank of their group, and both the groups need to be on different side of the boss.

The boss will cast Meteor Slash after 18 seconds, the 2nd tank needs to taunt the boss when he casts Meteor Slash on the 1st tank, Meteor Slash is a debuff which increases damage taken, again after 18 seconds the boss will cast Meteor Slash on the 2nd tank, the 1st tank should taunt boss back, and so on.

At about 66% and 33% hp the boss will cast Fel Firestorm, everyone should spread out and avoid the fire, once the Fel Firestorm is over, everyone needs to stack back on the tanks.

The boss puts Consuming Darkness on 3 random raid members, it is a Magical debuff/dot and must be removed by the healers, it does about 3k damage per half a second, for 15 seconds, a total of 90k damage if not dispelled.

Argaloth, has a 5 minutes Enrage timer, in other words, if the boss is not killed within 5 minutes, he will get really angry and kill everyone.

How To: Argaloth - Baradin Hold -  by BlueXephos

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Stonecore Hc

Once I had gathered my starting tank gear, Me and Nightmist started to do some Wrath of the Lich King raids for fun. We did Obsidian Sanctum and Naxxramas, just the 2 of us.

 After testing our self vs Wotlk raids and finding us very strong, we wanted to do some Cataclysm Dungeons, so we queued for random Heroic and got Stonecore, now we both had no idea what to do, the group said to skip 1st boss and go for 2nd one, and so we did, we wiped like 999 times because we didn’t move from the lava on the ground.

How to Do the damn thing

Now with the 1st boss, the one we skipped (thanks to a bug, but it is fixed now), it is a big Worm named Corborus,, 1st thing he does is put a Debuff on the whole party, it should be dispelled off the Tank fast, because it absorbs 15k healing. 2nd thing this boss dose is throw some Crystal Barrage, just move away from them, they spawn small adds but the adds die fast, ever so often the boss will go underground, just move out of the smoke/dust, also when the boss is under the ground he will spawn adds.

2nd boss, this is the boss that made us wipe a gazillion times, this here is a Stone Drake, named Slabhide, the boss will do Sand Blast, which is a Cone like thing, everyone needs to stand behind the boss, Tanks should face the boss away from the group, the boss will randomly spawn magma/lava pools on the ground, just move away from them, in the mid of the fight the boss will fly up and throw stones from the roof, they can b avoided by looking at the Black shadow on the ground.

Ozruk is the 3rd boss, but we skipped him, as far as I know, the tank needs to keep the boss facing away from the group, the boss dose a spell reflect thing, and casts fear some times, also he has a Enrage spell but I think it can be removed, don’t really know much about this boss, because we skipped him.

Last boss High Priestess Azil, this is a more simpler fight, interrupt her Force Grip, remove her Curse of Blood, keep away from Gravity Well, they hurt a lot, every so often she will fly back to her Alter and cast a Shield on herself, don’t stand near her when she has her shield on, then she will spawn a lot of adds, last thing she does is spawn some dust storm things, it instantly kills, if you stand in them.

I did Stonecore again last night with my guild <KnightTemplars> and successfully owned it.

WoW Cataclysm Guide - Heroic Stonecore Part 1 by TotalHalibut

WoW Cataclysm Guide - Heroic Stonecore Part 2 by TotalHalibut

Friday, 30 March 2012

Stood in the Fire

The other night WoW Freakz fixed the achievement 'Stood in the Fire'. It was so awesome; the whole <KnightTemplars> guild went to badlands, just to get killed by Deathwing. Lol.

Trash Drops

Once you have the starting gear/Rep gear, you should start doing Trash runs of Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent,

The following gear drops in the trash runs,

Bastion of Twilight :

Bracers of the Dark Pool

Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending

Crossfire Carbine

Dragonwreck Throwing Axe

Heaving Plates of Protection

Phase-Twister Leggings

Soul Blade

Tsanga's Helm

Unheeded Warning


Blackwing Descent:

Claws of Agony

Claws of Torment

Corehammer's Riveted Girdle

Fury of Angerforge

Hide of Chromaggus

Ironstar's Impenetrable Cover

Maimgor's Bite

Maldo's Sword Cane


Shadowforge's Lightbound Smock

Theresa's Booklight

Treads of Savage Beatings

Starting Gear (rep Gear)

After running around all over Azeroth, doing quests upon quests, just to hit that 85 mark, now that you are 85, you would have lots of greens and a few blue items, you would need to get some starter gear. Back in Wrath of the Lich King, we used to get the PvP set as our starting gear, but this is Cata and things have changed.

In patch 4.0.6, the best starting gear is the Rep gear; you will have to be exalted with the following factions,

Guardians of Hyjal (Mount Hyjal)

Therazane (Deepholm)

The Earthen Ring (Deepholm)

Ramkahen (Uldum)

Wildhammer Clan / Dragonmaw Clan (Twilight Highlands)

Baradin's Wardens / Hellscream's Reach (Tol Barad)

 Each faction has different type of gear, most of the gear is easy to get, just earn Exalted with the faction and buy your gear but with Baradin's Wardens (Alliance) / Hellscream's Reach (Horde) in Tol Barad, you would need Tol Barad Tokens, which are earned by doing Tol Barad Daily quests, but are worth it because both the factions have the best Weapons and Trinkets.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Outland, Northrend and Cataclysm (60 to 85)


Level 60 to 80 was the same as it was on Wrath of the Lich King; nothing had changed in Outland and Northrend. So I quickly leveled to 80 and off I went to new Cataclysm zones.

All the Cata zones can be accessed by taking the portal in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, each and every Cata zone is lore heavy, leveling in Cata is comparatively more fun.

At 80, the 1st zone I went to was Mount Hyjal, anyone who has seen this zone in the Cavern of Times raids, would love the changes made to this zone, Hyjal is simply beautiful.

You can also go to Vashj’ir, at level 80 but this zone is fully underwater and is bugged on almost every private server.

At level 82 I went to Deepholm, this zone is under the Maelstorm, this is where Deathwing prison used to be, the heart of Cataclysm, this zone is the home of Earth elementals and their leader, Therazane the Stonemother.

Once level 83, I went to Uldum, the theme of this zone is Egyptian, with Pyramids and Pharaohs, this zone is home to Tol’vir race, the cat-like humanoid, they were created by the Titans to watch over Uldum, this is the most fun zones of Cata, easy quests and good storyline.

Around 84, I went to Twilight Highlands, and thank god this zone has nothing to do with Vampires or the Twilight movies, this zone is the last leveling zone of Cata, the zone is the heart of Twilight’s Hammer cult, the followers of Deathwing and the Fire Elemental Lord Ragnaros.

Congratulation, no more leveling :)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Alliance of Kalimdor (level 1 to 60)

As with the Horde post, I will write about the zone changes worth checking out, again this post will only cover Kalimdor, because I am too lazy to get on the Ship :)

Since I roll Night elf, I was in Teldrassil, nothing changed in the whole starting zone, so I quickly moved on to the next zone, once I was done with the starting zone, I was level 12, and I went to Darkshore, now this zone has been turned inside out, literally, the old Night Elf town “Auberdine” is broken and the NPCs are missing, this zone has a lot of things you should see, in short this zone is a ‘Must’ check out zone.

At around level 22, I went to Ashenvale and then Stonetalon Mountains, both zones are almost the same as before, when I entered Stonetalon Mountains, the 1st thing I saw was Night Elf’s fighting Ores, other than that, both zones have not changes.

Desolace was my next stop at level 32, everyone who has been to this zone pre Cata knows that this is a really dry zone, this zone now has a Small forest in its center, according to the lore, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder sat at that spot and cried after finding out that her Mate Korialstrasz had died, you can read about that in the book “Thrall Twilight of The Aspects” by “Christie Golden

Next stop Feralas, the island that hosted the Allaince town has been flooded, and Feathermoon Stronghold has made a huge new town at the cost of Feralas, other than that, the zone remains the same.

Once I was done with Feralas, I was level 44; I went to Thousand Needles, this zone has been known to be really boring, now this whole zone is flooded and is filled with water, the only way to move in this zone is by small boats, but they were bugged when I was leveling :(

I had to take a different route to Tanaris, but it was worth it, the Steamwheedle Port has been completely flooded, and the Goblin survivors were holding on to their washed out homes, rest of the zone is the same.

Around level 55, I went to Un'Goro Crater and then Silithus, nothing changed in both zones, once done, I took the portal to the Blasted Lands, and entered the Dark Portal to Outland.

The Horde of the Eastern Kingdom (level 1 to 60)

So I thought I should write about leveling a Horde character in Cata, according to my experience but I only leveled in the Eastern Kingdom because I was too lazy to take the Ship to Kalimdor.

All this post will cover is what changes have been given to the zones in Eastern Kingdom worth seeing.

Since I was leveling a Blood Elf my leveling started in Eversong Woods, Which was more or less same as Wotlk, same thing with Ghostlands, nothing new added or changed here. Once I was level 20 I went to Hillsbrad Foothills, now this zone has been completely redone, the once proud town of South Shore is now over taken by Undead plague, the whole zone is under the control of the Undeads, a really nice change I would say. The only quest worth doing is the “Welcome to the Machine” quest, where you are giving the role of a Quest giver to give out quests to new Npc, yeap the tide has been turned for once and we get to be the quest giver for a while. The zone is lore heavy if you’re in interested in wow lore, a must play for any Horde player.

At around level 25 I went to Arathi Highlands and The Hinterlands, because both the zones are closer to Hillsbrad and the Plague lands. Nothing new in both zones, just easy quests and moving on.

Next stop at level 35 was Western Plaguelands. Now I had heard a lot about this zone being completely redone, so I had to check it out. As soon as I entered the zone I was amazed to see that the zone was Greener, and much more lively then it was in Wotlk. According to the Lore the druids have been working on resorting the Plaguelands ever since the fall of Lich King

Eastern Plaguelands was my next stop at level 40, same as Western Plaguelands this zone has been resorted by the druids but to some extent, you will still be able to see the dark side of this zone in some parts. The “Fiona's Lucky Charm” quest is a must do starting quest of this zone; it gives us a few nice Buffs that help a lot in leveling.

Around level 44 I went to Badlands, this zone has been changed, and now has a lot of quests; back in Wotlk this zone would hardly give 1 or 2 levels, now we have comparatively more quests in this zone. At level 49 I went to Burning Steppes, nothing new or changed in this zone worth checking out, but it is nearer to Badlands.

Once I was done with Burning Steppes, I was around level 51, so I went to Swamp of Sorrows. The only noticeable thing is this zone is that the Forces of Horde are fighting the Forces of Alliance; rest of the zone is same as it was on Wotlk. At level 55 I went to Blasted Lands, this zone is more or less the same, minor changes to this zone have been added.

By the time I was done with Blasted Lands, I was level 60, and it was time to enter Dark Portal and enter the Outland :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Server Rush

I have been playing Wrath of the Lich King for over 3years now, and it had become boring as crap, doing the same stuff over and over again. I felt like it was time for a change, Time to move on. So I told Missedhit, We tried different MMO but nothing felt as awesome as wow. So the only thing left for us was to update our wow to Cataslysm. But there was a problem; we knew that Cata is still nowhere near bug free. But I had a few servers in mind that looked good by their website.

Monster WoW was my 1st choice, so I told Missedhit about Monster wow, we both started to do our research. I like to just to log into the server and ask the players playing on that server, while Missedhit goes and reads the forums. I haven’t even logged into the server that I got a text from Missedhit saying that Monster wow sucks. Now this was a very bad thing, because I had good hopes for this server. We found out that none of the Raids and Dungeons were scripted, everything was tank spank.

After that I found Astral WoW, 1x server blizzlike, now I like blizzlike servers for some reason, so I logged in and asked around, it seemed that some stuff was working on this server and a few dungeons and raids were scripted, that is until I leveled my DK to 64. I found out that almost every class had one full spec bugged and my Dk Blood spec was not working right. So I packed my bags and left the server.

Now at that time Molten WoW had started their every own Cata server, I was looking forward to that, because Molten has made a name by having the best fixes and scripting in private server business. But on the other hand Molten always has a 500+ queue on log in, having to wait to play wow, well I hate that, so again back to step one and server hunting.

All going from website to website, server to server, I found WoW Freakz a Romanian server with 1 English realm. Once I saw the website, I was stunned, everything that was bugged on other server was fixed on this server, I had to try and check if the website was right or not. So I logged in and man did I love it. 20x leveling rates but rest everything 2x/3x. I have been playing here for months now, and I have had the best Cata experience here.

It took us a lot time but we have found a server that we can call home, WoW Freakz,

Anyone who plays Cata or wants to play, should try this server, but remember to Roll Alliance ;)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Blood Dk

Well i thought i would start our new blog with some thing, so here is my Blood Dk Talents/Spec. It is what i am using at the moment for Tanking and PvPing

The talents below are 4.0.6 talents since the server i play on is on this patch.

Blizzard has removed the defence rating in WoW and given all the tanking classes a Druid like talent which makes them Uncritable same as 540 Defence rating used to do. Since a Dk can't use a Shield, so our class does not have the ability to Block an attack, instead we absorb the damage, via our Blood Shield which is applied by using death strike. The death strike ability heals us and puts on a Shield depending on our mastery rating. At the moment my one death strike gives me 13k damage absorb shield and heals me for 10k hp. The fun part is that this Shield stacks up, so if i put up a shield for 12k and I take 5k damage and i apply another shield over it, i get a 19k shield and so on,  depending on how much damage i am taking.

In Cata tanking has changed so much that one cannot Afk tank a boss, plus the raid is no longer depended on a Tank or Healer. If a Dps makes a Mistake the raid wipes and tank can no longer depends on the healer to save the day as we used to do in Wotlk. All tank (Warrior. Paladin, Druid or Dk) have to apply their own Shields in order to stay alive rather than hope for the healer to save them.

mmmm, i guess this will do for my 1st Real post on this blog, i hope you guys like it.

I will write more on tanking and Death Knights soon :)

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