Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Alliance of Kalimdor (level 1 to 60)

As with the Horde post, I will write about the zone changes worth checking out, again this post will only cover Kalimdor, because I am too lazy to get on the Ship :)

Since I roll Night elf, I was in Teldrassil, nothing changed in the whole starting zone, so I quickly moved on to the next zone, once I was done with the starting zone, I was level 12, and I went to Darkshore, now this zone has been turned inside out, literally, the old Night Elf town “Auberdine” is broken and the NPCs are missing, this zone has a lot of things you should see, in short this zone is a ‘Must’ check out zone.

At around level 22, I went to Ashenvale and then Stonetalon Mountains, both zones are almost the same as before, when I entered Stonetalon Mountains, the 1st thing I saw was Night Elf’s fighting Ores, other than that, both zones have not changes.

Desolace was my next stop at level 32, everyone who has been to this zone pre Cata knows that this is a really dry zone, this zone now has a Small forest in its center, according to the lore, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder sat at that spot and cried after finding out that her Mate Korialstrasz had died, you can read about that in the book “Thrall Twilight of The Aspects” by “Christie Golden

Next stop Feralas, the island that hosted the Allaince town has been flooded, and Feathermoon Stronghold has made a huge new town at the cost of Feralas, other than that, the zone remains the same.

Once I was done with Feralas, I was level 44; I went to Thousand Needles, this zone has been known to be really boring, now this whole zone is flooded and is filled with water, the only way to move in this zone is by small boats, but they were bugged when I was leveling :(

I had to take a different route to Tanaris, but it was worth it, the Steamwheedle Port has been completely flooded, and the Goblin survivors were holding on to their washed out homes, rest of the zone is the same.

Around level 55, I went to Un'Goro Crater and then Silithus, nothing changed in both zones, once done, I took the portal to the Blasted Lands, and entered the Dark Portal to Outland.


preethi said...

yay... tx for the tuorial... i got cata btw

Mokx™ said...

no prob :)... cool .....when r u login into game ?

preethi said...


preethi said...

after april 15th for sure....

Mokx™ said...

cool ...hope to see u soon :)

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